Black Mass of the Brain
$4 for 72 hours VOD / Included in our Redemption Label Basic Subscription for $3
Cosmotropia de Xam, 2016, 78 mins
It will eat your brain and spit it out like the Whore of Babylon!
The reality, the image of a nightmare from a journey through a burning brain.
A Black Mass.
Two people. One looks like the other, yet different.
A language does not seem to be understood in an old house, which becomes a trap of the Persona Shock.
The ritual as a game of a bizarre world?
Black Mass of the Brain takes you on a mind bending journey, both visually and aurally mesmerizing.
More Cosmotropia de Xam is available on Redemption TV: Acid Babylon, Delerium, & Diabolique, or watch all three for $9 HERE
and you can buy Phantasmagoria on DVD HERE,
AND see Eileen Daly’s Sinema review of it for free HERE!