Springtime Flesh UNCUT
A threesome of Vernal delights!
$9 for 5 days VOD rental
Viewers in the UK can view this triple-bill with our (softcore) Jezebel label versions of Casino ’45 and The Women’s Nature, available here.
Picture of Beauty: Maxim Ford, 2017, 70 mins
A talented forger and painter, hired to create a painting for a local bordello, is assisted by his new found female acquaintances to free the woman he loves from her arranged marriage and her cruel and controlling husband.
“an honest, piece of erotic filmmaking that titillates in places, but has a message and makes the viewer think” – Nerdly
Casino ’45: Marcus Dolby, 2008, 127 mins (hardcore version)
Two soldiers return from war and head to a brothel. One of the pair is reluctant, despite problems at home with his significant other. Once inside he is lured into an alcove and discovers the woman hidden in there is none other than his girlfriend! After their initial shock at meeting in such a setting, they discover that actually it was exactly what was needed to rekindle their desire…
The Women’s Nature: Steve Morelli, 2010, 108 mins (hardcore version)
A man is hired to track down a rare, mysterious, and erotic book… but upon reading it he finds his dreams are full of the characters from the book, their souls now seemingly linked. Those closest to him seem to also be effected, brought under the influence of the past lives within this mysterious tome; the retellings of the characters’ pleasures of the flesh are simply too much to resist.