Red Kiss
$6 for 72 hours VOD
Nigel Wingrove, 2004, 81 mins
When you kiss the dead, the dead kiss back…
Dead for centuries, until the smell of freshly spilt blood awakens the sleeping vampire Queen from her slumber and brings a cruel, depraved creature back to life. Summoned by blood this evil vampiress seeks its source and finds it flowing through the veins of two young Goth girls who have broken into her dark domain to have sex. Soon their pale flesh will be whipped and abused as the vampire satiates her twisted lusts on these two hapless women.
Hungry for blood and hungry for sex the vampires fingers and tongue explore every part of her prey’s young bodies as she prepares them for death and life again, in her world of perversion and depravity!
Liked this? Watch Nigel Wingrove’s infamously blasphemous Visions of Ecstasy here