French Blood 3: Mr Frog

$4 for 72 hours VOD / Included in our Redemption Label Basic Subscription for $3

Rodolphe Bonnet with Ludiovic de Gaillende, Fabien Carrabin, and Guillaume Fournat, 2020, 86 mins

The next installment of stylish and brutal horror from the French Blood Film Collective!

French Blood Part three is Mr Frog’s turn to meet the masked woman, and her taste for revenge. Alongside the next gory part of this tale of the dark masked cabal’s comeuppance are horror sketches Vardøger from Ludovic de Gaillende (sometimes you’re your own worst enemy), Only God Knows from Fabien Carrabin (heist turns heinous), and Abri 17 from Guillaume Fournat (dystopian underground cults).

Extremely gory, beautiful and dark, this is some of the hottest new horror talent around!

Watch part one HERE